"How Racism Migrates Across Cultures," America's Most Challenging Issue (podcast series),, June 14.
"How Racism Migrates Across Cultures," America's Most Challenging Issue (podcast series),, June 14.
invited talks
"Re/imagining Love and Justice as Divine: A Conversation About Gender and Race," Uprooting Racism devotional series, Durham, North Carolina, February 14 (online/remote).
"Power [in] the People!": A Reconceptualization within Critical Activism and Scholarship – Cases from South Africa, U.S. Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs, Washington, DC, October 4.
Why Humanized "Intelligence" Should Replace Innovations of Ignorance. "What’s Next," TEDxBloemfontein, 59 Plenty, Bloemfontein, South Africa, October 26.
Education is Not a Crime, Montgomery College—Takoma Park/Silver Spring, Takoma Park, MD, February 11.
Schooled to Oppress?: An Intersection Between Access to Education & Gender-Based Violence, Mapping the Margins: Documentary and Speaker Series, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, August 16.
"Re/imagining Love and Justice as Divine: A Conversation About Gender and Race," Uprooting Racism devotional series, Durham, North Carolina, February 14 (online/remote).
"Power [in] the People!": A Reconceptualization within Critical Activism and Scholarship – Cases from South Africa, U.S. Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs, Washington, DC, October 4.
Why Humanized "Intelligence" Should Replace Innovations of Ignorance. "What’s Next," TEDxBloemfontein, 59 Plenty, Bloemfontein, South Africa, October 26.
Education is Not a Crime, Montgomery College—Takoma Park/Silver Spring, Takoma Park, MD, February 11.
Schooled to Oppress?: An Intersection Between Access to Education & Gender-Based Violence, Mapping the Margins: Documentary and Speaker Series, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, August 16.
selected conference activity
Cyber-Narratives of Academy and Empire: The World Wide Web of Complicities and Resistances. American Educational Studies Association. Greenville, SC, November 7-11.
Because #FeesMustFall Everywhere: A Case for Critical Comparative International Research of the Oppressive Academy. South African Education Research Association, Pretoria, South Africa, October 22-24.
How “African” is African(a) Studies? Critical Ethnic Studies Association, Vancouver, Canada, June 21-24.
The Empire is [Not] Black: Denial, Erasure, and Excavation of African Slavery and Emancipation in Persia/Iran. Black Portraiture[s], Cambridge, MA, March 22-24.
The Complicit Academic: Research as Resistance/Oppression, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, April 13-17.
(Un)healthy Social Change: Locating Wellness in Student Activism at a Historically White South African University, American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, November 29-December 3.
Re-searching Ourselves: A Call to “Settled” Academics and Scholars in the Unsettled Academy: Part I, South African Sociological Association, Mafikeng, South Africa, July 2-5.
The Patriarchal Burden: (Mis)conceptions of Gender, Race and Intersectionality in Social Change and Activist-Oriented Spaces, Decolonizing Higher Education, Bloemfontein, South Africa, February 2-3.
Digitizing “Decolonial” Spaces: A Critical Analysis of Social Mediatization and Academic Activism, Decolonizing the University in Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, August 16-17.
Reading Between the Lines of Rights: A Critical Analysis of International and National Discourse (De)marginalizing Indigenous and Minority Rights to Higher Education, Law and Society Association. New Orleans, LA, June 2-5.
Human(izing) or Civil(izing) Rights?: Malcolm X on the Discourses of the Rights of Afro-Descendants in America: Part II, American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23.
Struggles Over Narrative: Race and Ethnicity in Media(ted) Spheres, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, IL, August 21-23.
Beyond #Ferguson and the Mind of the (Un)oppressed: Media Alterna[rra]tives of Higher Education Social Movements, National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education, Washington, DC, May 26-30.
Sattarzadeh, S. D. & Ceesay, E. N. The Ugly Side of an Empire Behind the “Beautiful Game”: Media Imperialism, Human Rights Education, and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, International Human Rights Education, Washington, DC, December 4-6.
Identities of Access: Analyzing Minority Group Rights Within Education. International Political Science Association, Montréal, Canada, July 19-24.
Cyber-Narratives of Academy and Empire: The World Wide Web of Complicities and Resistances. American Educational Studies Association. Greenville, SC, November 7-11.
Because #FeesMustFall Everywhere: A Case for Critical Comparative International Research of the Oppressive Academy. South African Education Research Association, Pretoria, South Africa, October 22-24.
How “African” is African(a) Studies? Critical Ethnic Studies Association, Vancouver, Canada, June 21-24.
The Empire is [Not] Black: Denial, Erasure, and Excavation of African Slavery and Emancipation in Persia/Iran. Black Portraiture[s], Cambridge, MA, March 22-24.
The Complicit Academic: Research as Resistance/Oppression, American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, April 13-17.
(Un)healthy Social Change: Locating Wellness in Student Activism at a Historically White South African University, American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC, November 29-December 3.
Re-searching Ourselves: A Call to “Settled” Academics and Scholars in the Unsettled Academy: Part I, South African Sociological Association, Mafikeng, South Africa, July 2-5.
The Patriarchal Burden: (Mis)conceptions of Gender, Race and Intersectionality in Social Change and Activist-Oriented Spaces, Decolonizing Higher Education, Bloemfontein, South Africa, February 2-3.
Digitizing “Decolonial” Spaces: A Critical Analysis of Social Mediatization and Academic Activism, Decolonizing the University in Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, August 16-17.
Reading Between the Lines of Rights: A Critical Analysis of International and National Discourse (De)marginalizing Indigenous and Minority Rights to Higher Education, Law and Society Association. New Orleans, LA, June 2-5.
Human(izing) or Civil(izing) Rights?: Malcolm X on the Discourses of the Rights of Afro-Descendants in America: Part II, American Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington, August 20-23.
Struggles Over Narrative: Race and Ethnicity in Media(ted) Spheres, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, IL, August 21-23.
Beyond #Ferguson and the Mind of the (Un)oppressed: Media Alterna[rra]tives of Higher Education Social Movements, National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education, Washington, DC, May 26-30.
Sattarzadeh, S. D. & Ceesay, E. N. The Ugly Side of an Empire Behind the “Beautiful Game”: Media Imperialism, Human Rights Education, and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, International Human Rights Education, Washington, DC, December 4-6.
Identities of Access: Analyzing Minority Group Rights Within Education. International Political Science Association, Montréal, Canada, July 19-24.
panel invitations
When Justice Just Isn’t: Negotiating Racial (In)justice in National and International Law, Law and Society Association, New York, NY, October 10.
From Self-Interest to Altruism, Association for Bahá’í Studies, Los Angeles, CA, August 6-9.
Education is Not a Crime, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, April 8.
When Justice Just Isn’t: Negotiating Racial (In)justice in National and International Law, Law and Society Association, New York, NY, October 10.
From Self-Interest to Altruism, Association for Bahá’í Studies, Los Angeles, CA, August 6-9.
Education is Not a Crime, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, April 8.